Should we be precise about using the same capitalization as the original? I noticed on the sample page it does not but thought I would double check.

    dbrown that's a great question, and one we haven't quite resolved yet, as we're torn between keeping it simple (type exactly what you see) and providing more detailed instructions on when to use capitals. We'll have a chat and get back to you!

      a month later

      Hi! we've had a chat about capitalisation and are leaning towards the simple option -- type as you see it -- as the results automatically come out in titlecase. We'll be updating the instructions for the project over the next few days so hopefully this will be clearer then!

      • mia likes this.

      @dbrown as further background - we decided to normalise transcriptions to title case so that it's easier to match and compare titles across playbills regardless of how the printers treated them. This means a more efficient workflow, and hopefully makes it easier to type things quickly.

      a month later
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