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Hi, Ive just signed up and I would like to help with the in the spotlight work. However, every time I try and click on contributing the page comes up but with no image, just black. Could you advise?
Hi, Ive just signed up and I would like to help with the in the spotlight work. However, every time I try and click on contributing the page comes up but with no image, just black. Could you advise?
Hi @acollacott - welcome, and thanks for letting us know! I'll see if @alexmendes can help you.
Can you tell us what kind of a computer you're using, and which browser? e.g. Firefox, Safari, Chrome...
Thanks for pointing this out - do you happen to have any privacy browser extensions running (e.g. https://www.eff.org/privacybadger)? We've noticed before that things like this can block the requests between the LibCrowds site and the British Library servers that we're pulling our images from.
mia Im using safari on mac. alexmendes Oh, I don't think I do but how can I check that?
Ok thanks, if you don't remember installing anything like that then it's probably not the cause.
We did get a report of this happening on Safari when we first launched but we've pushed out a lot of updates since then and had no similar reports since (until now)! To see if it is indeed browser related, do you have another browser that you can try it on for now (e.g. Chrome or Firefox)?
OK thank you, Ive managed to open it in firefox but I've had to sign up again (because it wouldn't let me log in with Facebook again for some reason haha) Thank you for your help, ill start contributing now but will be under a different username Thanks again.
That's really helpful, thanks. So it looks like there still might be some issue with Safari that we need to have a look at. It's difficult to keep up with all of the different browser quirks sometimes! Glad you can contribute via Firefox for now anyway.
Also, if you want me to merge your old account into your new one just send me the two usernames (and specify which is which). We could then link any contributions you made with your old account to your new one. Wouldn't want you to feel like you've lost any contribution points
alexmendes Not a problem, thank you for helping me.
Oh if you could merge my two accounts that would be great. Its AmyCollacott and acollacott. The AmyCollacott is the new one which Ive been contributing with.
I couldn't see any contributions linked to you old account, which makes sense as you couldn't see the images! I could just delete the old one but there is probably no need. Hopefully we can get the Facebook login working again soon.
Ok, no problem. Thank you.
Another quick note that Facebook logins should now be fixed!
Great thank you