Hello! I've tried selecting titles on playbills but the cutting shown in the panel on the right hand side is not showing what I have selected (instead it shows text from several lines/centimetres above my selection). Is this possibly a browser issue (I'm using Chrome on a PC)? Keen to help but don't want to submit unless I'm sure the selections are correct! Many thanks, LB
Issue with selections listed in the right hand side panel
LiaB Hi, I suspect it's probably just the regions in the right hand side panel not showing up correctly but I will investigate! Were you logged in when contributing? We could check out your contributions if so to see if they are out of alignment, but if the selection rectangle on the main canvas was in the right place then I'm pretty sure they will be OK (the rectangle parameters are taken from there).
Also just moved and renamed this as I realised it was an old duplicate "welcome" post that had the tags removed but wasn't actually deleted.
Hi! Have just tried to 'circle' several performances o n one bill.They were all segments from Shakespeare plays probably about 12 in total.That bit worked fine but in the process the green button/save on the right hand side disappeared/ became displaced and then I could not retrieve to actually or save or move to the next bill ??
Hi @Rosie - thanks for letting us know. @alexmendes do you have any ideas?
Hi, sorry for the slow reply! I wonder if the selection previews that get listed on the left-hand side pushed the buttons off the bottom of the screen. It may have still been there if you scrolled down in the tasks sidebar. Do you remember what browser you were using?