• Edited

Thanks for stopping by.

I'm Mia, and I work in the Digital Scholarship team at the British Library.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the project, particularly interesting things you've noticed on the playbills or ways we could improve the interface. You can post here, tweet at us @libcrowds or email us at digitalresearch@bl.uk.

4 days later
19 days later
a month later

@alexmendes has released an update that fixes lots of small issues reported by participants in Convert-a-Card and In the Spotlight. We've also made some usability tweaks following tests. If you speak geek, his release notes are at https://github.com/LibCrowds/libcrowds/releases

Your forum posts, emails and tweets have been really useful in planning our work, so thank you all!

    a month later
    19 days later
    a month later

    We've posted an update to our blog at http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/digital-scholarship/

    'As 2017 turns into 2018, we thought it was time for an update on our progress with In the Spotlight. We've had over 20,000 contributions from over 2,000 visitors from 61 countries. Together, they've completed 21 sets of tasks on individual volumes - a wonderful result. We're still analysing it but the transcribed data looks good so far. Our next step is agreeing the details of including the results in the Library's catalogue - once that's done, information from individual playbills will be searchable for the first time.'

    Keep an eye on the blog for a post by an In the Spotlight contributor this weekend. If you'd like to share ideas or things you've found with us, get in touch! Our details are at https://www.libcrowds.com/collection/playbills/about

      8 days later
      a month later

      I had no idea anyone had played with Playbills data before In the Spotlight! Olivia Vane @OliviaFVane produced this timeline and explains why OCR doesn't cut it http://oliviavane.co.uk/research/Playbills.html


        21 days later

        If you've been lucky enough to reach the end of a volume, you might have seen our 'celebration' screen. We've just heard that an error message is appearing instead of text explaining that you've done all the playbills in that particular set - sorry about that, and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can after Alex gets back from a well-earned holiday!

          10 days later

          To the lovely volunteers working through date transcriptions and encountering playbills without years - we see you, and appreciate your efforts!

          And I haven't yet joined the dots to find out which playbill this comment was about, but I'm looking forward to it! 'Provides explanation of new lighting (chandelier made by Royal Glass-works of Dudley) including use of gas and wax'

            We've started sending an email when someone leaves a comment during a task - it's a great way to get a sense of what you're encountering. Thanks for your comments!

              10 days later
              12 days later

              Can you tell we've been busy lately? If you're curious about how results are checked during the analysis process: https://docs.libcrowds.com/ It's a bit geeky so let us know if you're curious but need more info to make sense of it!

                a month later

                We have nearly 90,000 contributions, made up of many, many tasks and comments and hopefully lots of moments of fun - thank you all so much for your help!

                As always, there's lots going on behind the scenes to make the most of the data you're helping create, so that it benefits future researchers and others.

                  2 months later
                  a month later

                  And here's a list of past newsletters:
                  09/08/2018 - Your input needed! Help us understand who's 'In the Spotlight' http://eepurl.com/bH8vf1
                  30/07/2018 - Celebrating 100,000 contributions on the LibCrowds platform http://eepurl.com/dCA9Nb
                  04/04/2018 - Shine a light on the past! Spring 2018 Crowdsourcing updates from the British Library http://eepurl.com/doXy01
                  21/12/2017 - British Library Crowdsourcing updates, Winter 2017 http://eepurl.com/dfgg0r
                  31/05/2017 - LibCrowds Spring Newsletter http://eepurl.com/cPwiMT