It looks like right now we can only select one major title on a playbill, and then it pushes us to the next one. But I noticed even on my first one, that there seemed to be two major titles (aside from the minor amusements and interludes). So either I'm wrong, and we should just be focusing on one, or that's just not an option right now?
More than one title on a playbill?
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So the task is, in fact, to mark every title on the page, then click submit. But I agree that this is far from clear at the moment. How do you think we could improve that? Better documentation? Warnings if no areas are marked? A dialogue after clicking submit to confirm that there are n titles marked and asking whether or not to submit the page? Any other ideas welcome!
Thanks for your comment, that's really useful feedback!
It's tricky to update the instructions on live tasks, but for future ones, would a version of the text below be helpful?
'Draw rectangles around the titles of plays featured on the next performance date. When you're happy with the outline, choose the green tick to save it. Most playbills list more than one play for an evening, so mark all you can see. Please include subtitles (alternative titles, like 'or the something or other') where they exist. Ignore any performances on past or future dates. You don't need to include song titles. Press save/submit when you're finished marking up a page.'
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This post is partly to test out the file upload extensions just added to the forum, but something to bear in mind with the paragraph of text above:
So no space left for the current selections list. That's on my 13" Macbook Pro, so not really that unusual a screen size. I think a key sentence or two works best in that main objective field, with longer explanations being deferred to the help modal.
It also might start to make the task look a bit more complex than it really is?
@alexmendes we can look at shortening the text after some usability testing (e.g. what are the key questions to answer; do people recognise the help symbol)? The selections list is useful but making sure people are comfortable and know what to do is vital.